Partners in Education (PIE)

Partners in Education (PIE) strives to improve education by stimulating meaningful business and community involvement in public schools.  Through the Greater Hall Chamber’s partnerships with industries, businesses, professional organizations, churches and civic clubs, our schools are able to tap resources to meet student needs, provide excellent educational programming and recognize achievement.

PIE provides for the development and support of regional education partnerships, including all 44 public city and county schools (elementary, middle and high school levels) and over 350 partnering organizations.  These partnerships provide for increased educational and enrichment opportunities for students aimed at improving levels of achievement, self-esteem, and understanding of the expectations of the work world.  Partnerships also provide for school staff education and recognition, thereby increasing staff morale and enthusiasm.

PIE is based on the concept that “human capital” is the most important resource a partner can provide.  Although businesses sometimes provide funding for specific needs, the greatest benefit to education is derived from the personal involvement of volunteers in schools.  Partners develop mentoring programs, pen pal programs, honors/awards ceremonies, tutorials, teacher recognition programs, computer enhancement programs, field trips, career days, workshops for parents, speaker’s bureaus, life skills workshops, and much more!

For more information, contact Lisa McCormack, VP Education & Leadership, 770-532-6206 x 113.  Email