September 14-20 is SMALL BUSINESS WEEK!

SBA 2002 Georgia Small Business Profile

Number of Businesses:

€ The number of employer businesses in 2001 increased by 1.9%

€ 97.5% of the businesses in Georgia are small businesses (500 or less employees)

€ In 2001, an estimated 230,266 individuals were self-employed

Women-Owned Businesses:

€ 25.6% of Georgia’s businesses are women-owned

€ Women-owned businesses generated $25.3 billion dollars in revenues

Minority-Owned Businesses:

€ Minority-owned businesses total 88,700 and make up 15.6% of Georgia’s businesses, of which 17.6% were employer firms


€ Small businesses employed 1,471,118 or 43.7% of the state’s 3,363,797 employees (non-farm private sector)

€ The industry with the most small business employees is retail trade

(Definition of Small Business is less than 500 employees).

Sources: U.S. Small Business Administration and the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center

National Small Business Statistics

Small businesses…

€ Provide about 75% of the net new jobs added to the economy

€ Represent 99.7% of all employees

€ Employ 50.1% of the private workforce

€ Provide 40.9 % of private sales in the country

€ Accounted for 39.1 % of jobs in high-technology sectors in 2001

€ Accounted for 52% of private sector output in 1999

€ Represent 97% of all U.S. exporters