Over 250 Youth Apprentices Participate in On-The-Job Training
Over 450 apprentices, mentors, parents and educators attended the Youth Apprentice Recognition Dinner in April. The Greater Hall Chamber Youth Apprenticeship Program is an educational option that prepares high school students for the workplace with on-the-job training in the 11th and 12th grades. Over 250 apprentices from Gainesville High School and Hall County high schools participated in the program this year. Sponsors for the event and participants in the program included Jackson EMC, Lanier Technical College/Center of Innovation, Northeast Georgia Health System, Georgia Power and Stork Gamco. Apprenticeships range from shadowing judges and doctors to assisting in the electrical and manufacturing industry. Chris Wade-Curry is the Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator for Gainesville City schools and Rhonda Samples is the coordinator for Hall County Schools. For more information regarding the Youth Apprentice Program or how your business can participate, contact Karen Long at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. 770-532-6206. Email: klong@ghcc.com