Greater Hall Chamber Industry of the Year Awards will be presented at the 10th Annual Industry Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, November 13 at 11:00 am at the Chattahoochee Country Club. The event is presented by Lanier Technical College.
Nominations for the 2018 Industry of the Year Awards are being accepted. Nominated companies must be located in the Greater Hall area (3 years) and involved in the manufacturing, processing or distribution of a tangible product. Make a Nomination. Deadline for nominations is October 15. Winners are chosen based on economic impact, corporate responsibility and workforce excellence.
2017 Award Recipients included Count On Tools, Inc. (Small Employer Category, 1-50 employees); Kipper Tool Company (Medium Employer Category, 51-200 employees); Victory Processing (Large Employer Category, 201+ employees); Bitzer US Inc. (Corporate Responsibility); Ceramic Tiles Services, Inc. (Safety & Environmental Stewardship); ALBAform, Inc. (Workforce Excellence); ZF Gainesville (Workforce Development).
Reservations Required. $35 Chamber Members; $50 Non-members and guests; Table $400 (Seats 8; Limited table sponsorships). For information on Industry of the Year Award nominations, sponsorship opportunities or lunch reservations, contact Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
Make Your Reservation Online: Industry Appreciation Luncheon