Gordon Higgins was recently honored by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce QuEST Council at their annual Youth Apprenticeship Recognition Dinner. Mr. Higgins was presented with the 2002 Distinguished Service Award by QuEST Chairman Anita Scott of Northeast Georgia Health Systems.
Former Youth Apprentice Coordinator/Public Information Officer, Gordon has been given a new assignment by the Hall County Board of Education as Director of Community Relations and Athletics. Hall County School Superintendent Dennis Fordham made this announcement to the gathering during his remarks, “As such, Mr. Higgins will be stepping back from a program that he has actively participating in since 1994,” said Fordham.
One of the highlights of his involvement with the Youth Apprenticeship Program came in the spring of 1997 when State School Superintendent Linda Schrenko and then State School Board Chairman Johnny Isakson were invited by Philip Wilheit to visit the QuEST and ZF Apprenticeship program at ZF Industries in Gainesville.
After viewing a presentation and visiting apprentices on the plant floor, Ms. Shrenko and Mr. Isakson declare the program as a model for the state. Gordon Higgins worked closely during most of those years with Tony Herrington, who headed up the program for Gainesville City Schools, and with Helen Stewart, Vice President of Education for the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce.
“It was a true partnership with each system working to support the other and both receiving invaluable support from the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. The results have been a program that is often recognized as exemplary by state apprenticeship coordinators,” said Higgins.
Judy Pirkle of West Hall High School will be the new QuEST contact for the Hall County School System.