Can we bring strollers? Jogging strollers can be used on the walkers’ course only.
Are pets allowed at the race? No pets are allowed.
Do we need a team shirt? Team shirts are encouraged. Remember, we are going to award the best team T-shirt.
Will our team have a designated area to warm up in? Yes, tents are available to rent. Set up can begin after 12:00 pm. Please contact Ellie Parker (770-532-6206 x 115)
Do you have to run? No, walkers are encouraged.
Can family members of employees be on a team? Absolutely, family members are welcome.
Is there a minimum/maximum for a team? No, the top 5 runners’ times will be calculated for team awards.
How can non-athletic employees participate? In the best team spirit cheering section!
Will there be on on-site parking? Yes, but please car pool with your team members.
Will we receive a t-shirt at the race? Yes. We encourage you to wear your shirt to work on the Friday after the race.
Remember: No Glass/ No Alcohol / No Smoking.