Site Selection Magazine, in its March 2002 publication, named Gainesville, Georgia as one of the “Top 100 Small Towns for Corporate Facilities.” The rankings list Gainesville as 41st out of the 100 communities and indicate that it is the only community in the State of Georgia selected for the distinction.
The national publication ranks cities with populations between 10,000 and 50,000 based on new and expanded industrial facilities from 1998 to present. Site Selection Magazine is published by the International Development Research Council and has as its targeted audience business and industry executives, site location consultants and business and industry site locators.
Matt Trice, Senior Vice President for Economic Development with the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce says, “The recognition noted in Site Selection Magazine points to the hard work and dedication of the leadership in this community. It is also indicative of the foresight that our elected and volunteer leaders have had through the years in providing the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of companies locating and expanding in the community.”
Kit Dunlap, president and CEO of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce states, “The community’s exposure in Site Selection Magazine further stakes our claim that we are committed to growing the tax base and providing quality jobs for the citizens of this community. Our partnership between government and the business community is they key element in our economic development success.”
The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, through the Gainesville and Hall County Economic Development Council, provides economic development services to the City of Gainesville, Hall County, The City of Flowery Branch and the City of Oakwood.
For more information, contact Matt Trice, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, 770-532-6206 or e-mail: