Fall Job Fair sponsored by the Greater Hall Chamber and the Georgia Department of Labor and co-sponsored by Lanier Technical College and The Times on Tuesday, October 8 in the Arena of the Georgia Mountains Center from 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. Details, Robin Overby, 770-532-6206 or forrobin@ghcc.com.
Business After Hours at the John W. Jacobs, Jr. Building at Brenau University will celebrate the groundbreaking of the Northeast Georgia History Center on Thursday, October 17 from 5:15 – 7:17 p.m. Sponsored by the Northeast Georgia History Center and Office Depot. Free for members. $5 for non-members and guests. Details, Jennifer Gabriel, 770-532-6206 or jgabriel@ghcc.com.
General Election Political Forum on Tuesday, October 22 from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Continuing Education Building at Gainesville College. The forum is sponsored by Gainesville College, Greater Hall Chamber, The Times and WDUN Radio. Details, William Bagwell, 770-532-6206.