The Centennial Legacy Initiative
By Chamber Chairman Denise Deal
Our centennial year celebrations are off to a fantastic start! Over 250 Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce members and community leaders were in attendance to hear John Addison give a motivational message setting the stage to celebrate “A Century of Business Vision!”
The presentation delivered by Addison, Co-CEO of Primerica, created the perfect setting to formally announce plans for our year-long celebrations and the new Centennial Legacy initiative.
LeTrell Simpson, CON-SEN-SUS, and Frank Norton, Jr., The Norton Agency, are co-chairing the Chamber Centennial Committee. This dynamic duo has been hard at work preparing for the year-long celebrations. The Centennial Breakfast Kickoff in January not only jump-started the year ahead, but more importantly, was the official unveiling of the The Centennial Legacy Initiative.
As a tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and to provide a long-lasting legacy for our community, the Centennial Committee has initiated a comprehensive Gateway Improvement Initiative. This initiative will focus on six direct public transportation links along Interstate 985.
Because “First Impressions” are important to attracting quality business interests, the recruitment of professionals and the promotion of our quality of life, The Gateway Improvement Initiative seeks to provide attractive entrances to our community.
Over the next five years, it is the hope of the committee that significant gateway improvements can be developed and implemented. The Chamber Centennial Committee is spearheading the project and partnering with our county and municipal governments, along with private investors for landscaping, attractive signage, pedestrian walkways and streetscape improvements.
Long-time Chamber member and community supporter Rochester & Associates is working in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Transportation to develop and design guidelines, standards and material specifications for the project.
The Centennial Committee has committed to raise the initial funds to begin the development and improvement of one or more of the interchanges. It is the mission of the Centennial Committee to provide a catalyst for a broader gateway entrance improvement plan linking the entire community and putting a permanent mark on our First Impression.
We have all heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a good impression,” and this especially rings true when you begin evaluating the perceptions of others as they enter our community. Most of us assume our visitors see what we see – a thriving and proud community that cares about its residents. However, visitors may not always see our community at its best. Through The Centennial Legacy Initiative, we have a monumental opportunity to make certain our community is always seen at its best.
The Centennial Legacy Initiative will require two very important items – a commitment from our citizens to support this initiative and financial investments to make it a reality. I challenge you, as Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce members and as active citizens, to make every effort to make this initiative a reality. Financial support is needed, and this will come from businesses, large and small. However, individuals are welcome to participate as well. You can make a difference by accepting this challenge and contacting the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce to offer your commitment and see that the Centennial Legacy Initiative becomes a reality.
“There are two primary choices in life – to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” Dr. Denis Waitley
For more information on The Centennial Legacy Initaitive, contact Kit Dunlap, President/CEO, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, 770-532-6206.