Technology Committee sets priorities

A group of Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce volunteers have been creating a Technology Action Plan to help our internal and external communities catch the Hall County high tech initiative.

To set the stage for long-term technology business recruitment, relocation and quality employment growth, the issues of marketing, infrastructure and education will be intentionally targeted and acted upon. Marketing or branding the communication is the name of the game.

Action items include the continual promotion of web sites and, the creation of multi-media marketing tools and selective advertising. Campaign themes are extensive with the focus of “Liquid Assets for the Business Mind.”

Two years will be spent portraying our image with government and civic club presentations and intentional direct contact with Atlanta brokers. The Lake Lanier Technology Alliance, spearheaded by Lance Compton of Red Clay Interactive and Kevin York of Charter Business Networks, will be key to these efforts.

Infrastructure remains a topic to focus on. We will continue to work directly with area telecommunications, utility and electric distribution companies to focus on continuing to expand reliable service into our area. Efforts to complete the GIS System are on the menu too.

Current education efforts are exciting here in our community with the Generation Laptop Program for the City of Gainesville School Systems, the planning stages of a Career Academy in the Hall County System and the continued accomplishments of our private schools in the technology arena.

Efforts are being made to develop a strategy with the higher education institutions that we are fortunate to have in Hall County. Other visions include teacher scholarships for training, technology clubs in schools to tap talents and keep them here in our community, and making reduced cost and free training options known to our current workforce.

Also included is your Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce going hi-tech by 2003 with electronic publications.

For more information on the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce technology initiative, contact Matt Trice, 770-532-6206 or