With the primary election just behind us and the general election right around the corner (November 5), we need to take a look at the importance of voting. Our free society honors us with the right and the privilege to vote. We have the OPTION of selecting our government leadership. We have the OPPORTUNITY to lay the groundwork by electing strong leadership to fill government positions.
Gainesville-Hall County is currently faced with some big issues – quality growth, planning and zoning, sewer and water availability, physical infrastructure, business retention, multi-cultural challenges and more.
We, as voters, need to invest our time in studying these issues and addressing them, in part, by choosing intelligent, well-informed, visionary leadership. The persons representing our community will be ‘setting the stage,’ influencing our future and affecting our lives for years to come. Taking the time to vote ensures that you take part in the planning of YOUR future.
In the past, we have been successful in implementing the programs and installing productive leadership to address community needs. We have enjoyed an excellent public-private partnership. We have had leaders working hand-in-hand between business and government to bring jobs to the community, increase our tax base, better educate our children, and oversee quality growth and development issues.
We must select individuals for leadership positions that can maintain our high standards and insist that public and private sectors continue to work together. By taking the initiative and casting your ballot, we can continue to enjoy the quality of life of which we’ve grown accustom.
The future is yours. Let’s put people in office that can solve problems and work along with us in keeping our community a great place to live, work and raise a family. Make a difference. Get out and vote in the upcoming elections: September 10 – Primary Runoff November 5 – General Election
If you are unable to vote on these days, contact the Hall County Registrar’s Office, 275 Dawsonville Highway (at Colonial Lakeshore Mall) in Gainesville, 770-531-6945, for an Absentee Ballot.
Dick Valentine is President of Regions Bank and Chairman of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.