Quality Education Strategy Team (QuEST) is a program of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. Chaired by Anita Scott (Northeast Georgia Medical Center), the QuEST Council offers several school-to-career opportunities including:
The Greater Hall Youth Apprenticeship is a program of study combined with paid work-based learning that leads to a high school diploma, post-secondary opportunities and a certificate of skills. Students are required to complete 2,000 hours of workplace experience under the supervision of a workplace mentor.
Student Internships involve a semester or more of paid work experiences for students which serves to reinforce classroom instruction and provide an understanding of workplace responsibilities and requirements.
Job Shadowing is a semester or year-long, non-paid career exploration experience that allows students the opportunity to observe professionals in a chosen field.
Teacher Internships are worksite experiences that provide teachers or counselors with an understanding of workplace requirements and opportunities. These internships typically last for a period of one or two weeks during the summer.
Career Speakers representing businesses and industries can be scheduled to provide classes with information regarding careers and workplace skills.
The benefits of these programs to students are numerous, as they can earn wages while learning a skill; increase career options and future employability; and, experience the connection of school-learned information with workplace skill.
In addition, businesses benefit by preparing a skilled and productive workforce, reduce turnover and on-the-job training expenses and make an impact on school curriculum to improve education.
For more information on QuEST, call Greater Hall Chamber Vice President of Education and Community Development Helen Stewart, 770-538-0024.