Partners in Education
The Greater Hall Chamber’s Partners-In-Education Committee initiated new grade and attendance incentive programs for the Gainesville City and Hall County School Systems in 2007.
Partner-In-Education is a cooperative effort between local businesses, community volunteers and our local school systems to provide additional support for the educational needs of youth in the Gainesville-Hall County Community. Primary focus areas include mentoring, reducing drop-out rates, and improving attendance.
“We greatly appreciate the partnership between our school systems and local businesses, and we thank the hundreds of volunteers that make these efforts possible,” states Darrell Snyder, Georgia Power Company, Vice Chair of Education for the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce.
Attendance Program
The program selects one perfect attendance student from each Gainesville City and Hall County School (elementary, middle, and high school) at the end of the school year. The winners received a $50 gift card. All of the students that achieved perfect attendance during the previous year were congratulated.
GPA Improvement Program
This program recognizes a student at each high school with the greatest GPA improvement between the completion of the 9th grade and the completion of the 10th grade. Each winner received a $50 gift card. We applaud the tremendous effort that these students made during the school year and wish them great success in the future.
“Gainesville City School System is very proud of the partnership that exists with the Greater Hall County Partners in Education program. The student incentive programs have had an impact on improving attendance and student achievement at our schools. We are very appreciative of the many business sponsors participating in this worthwhile program. All students benefit from our caring community,” said Dave Shumake, Gainesville City Schools.
“If we are ever going to provide the type of educational program our boys and girls deserve, it will take us all,” said Will Schofield, Superintendent, Hall County Schools. “The Hall business community has once again demonstrated their commitment to this ideal, and we appreciate it.”
Sponsors for PIE Initiatives
Gold Sponsors: Georgia Power Company, Jackson EMC, Wal-Mart. Silver Sponsors: Best Buy, Lakeshore Mall, Gainesville Bank & Trust, the Syfan Foundation. Bronze Sponsor: Papa Johns Pizza. Contributors: McDonald’s, Bruster’s, Girl Stuff, Applebee’s.