New Initiative for Partners in Education
The Greater Hall Chamber Partners in Education (PIE) Committee is proud to initiate a new Attendance and Grade Incentive Program for the Gainesville City and Hall County School Systems. PIE is a cooperative effort between local businesses and public school systems to provide an additional focus on the educational needs in the community. The goals of the new PIE program include improving attendance and grades, developing mentor partnerships and helping to reduce drop out rates.
Attendance Program
The purpose of this program is to select one perfect attendance student from each Gainesville City and Hall County School at the end of the 2007-2008 school year. Each school or school system will select a winner from among the names of the students that qualify as having perfect attendance for the entire year. One student’s name will be drawn from the eligible list at each school (elementary, middle and high schools). The winners will receive a $50 gift card.
GPA Improvement Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize the one student at each high school that has the greatest grade point average (GPA) improvement between the completion of the 9th Grade and the completion of the 10th Grade. Each winner will receive a $50 gift card and will be recognized at the end of the school year.
“We are excited that the business community continues to provide great assistance for education in our community, and we greatly appreciate all of the support that helps to keep the Gainesville City and Hall County Schools among the most respected school systems in the State of Georgia,” said Chamber Vice Chairman of Education Darrell Synder, Georgia Power Company. “We want to pass along a special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors for the Incentive Program this year, Lakeshore Mall and Wal-Mart.”
“I believe it is our obligation as community leaders and partners to support the education of our youth. They will be the future leaders of this community and will play a vital role in helping us obtain our dream for VISION 2030,” said Chris Carmosino, Co-Manager of Lakeshore Mall.
“Not only is it important for Wal-Mart to contribute on a national basis, we like to support our local community as well. We want to make a better life for everyone. The Greater Hall Chamber is a local organization we like to partner with.” David Walton, Wal-Mart Assistant Manager.
Other sponsors and contributors include Georgia Power, Jackson EMC, Best Buy, Papa John’s Pizza, Applebee’s, Brusters, Girl Stuff and McDonald’s.
For more information on this new initiative or Partners in Education, contact Karen Long at the Greater Hall Chamber, 770-532-6206. Email: