New Director Nominees

The Nominating Committee of the Greater Hall Chamber presents seven nominees for new Board of Directors:

Emily Bagwell, Whelchel & Dunlap; Gene Brown, Georgia Department of Labor; Kate Maine, Morton Vardeman & Carlson; Kelly Miles, Smith, Gilliam, Williams & Miles; Stephen Reynolds, The Times; Russell Vandiver, Lanier Technical College and Ben Williams, Jordan, Jones & Goulding.

The Nominating Committee, in accordance with the Bylaws (Article 5, Section 5), has nominated these individuals to serve as members of the Board of Directors of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2005.

The Nominating Committee includes Chamber Chairman Doug Carter, Chairman-Elect Dick Valentine and Past Chairmen Brent Hoffman, Martha Simmons, Steve Gilliam, and Bill Sanders.

Details, Kit Dunlap, 770-532-6206.