New $10,000 Soin Award for Innovation
Since its founding in 1908 the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce has been the leading advocate for the business community in Gainesville-Hall County. The Chamber has supported businesses, encouraged innovation and promoted business priorities for over 100 years.
With the generous support of sponsors, specifically Soin International and the Rajesh K. Soin family, the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce will present its first Soin Award for Business Innovation at the Soin Award Ceremony on March 20, 2009. Soin International is the parent company of Sundance Products located in Gainesville-Hall County. Local sponsors are Jackson EMC and Georgia Power Company.
The new $10,000 award is designed to identify, honor and financially assist a company in Gainesville-Hall County. The award recipient will best demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit through a recently introduced or pending introduction of a unique product or service that will have the ability to sustain long-term growth for the company, increase local employment and assist in the creation of economic prosperity within the community.
“Gainesville-Hall County has a long history of innovation and discovery. We must continue to encourage our local entrepreneurs to build on this tradition and create new enterprises, jobs and additional opportunities for this community. On behalf of the Soin Family, I am proud to support this award that recognizes the accomplishments of these individuals and businesses,” said Rajesh Soin, Chairman and CEO of Soin International.
Organization’s applying for the award must be located in Gainesville-Hall County and have a new or redesigned product or service recently launched into the marketplace or ready to be launched in 2009. The innovation should be unique or fill a void in the market or industry that it serves. Applications are available at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and are due no later than February 10, 2009. There is a $25 Application Fee. Applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee, with the final three participating in a personal interview. The award recipient will be asked to participate in the Greater Hall Chamber’s Award Ceremony and other promotional and media opportunities. Details: Brittany Holtzclaw, 770-532-6206. Email: