The 18th Annual National Tourism week will be held May 6 – 12. National Tourism Week was designated by the U.S. Congress in 1983 to draw attention to the importance and benefits of national travel and tourism.
With 18 million employees in the tourism industry, United States travel and tourism is one of America¹s largest employers. As America¹s second largest service export, $95 billion is spent in the U.S. by 48.5 million international visitors. Some $81 billion is spent outside the U.S. by 58.4 million American travelers creating a $14 billion balance of trade surplus for the U.S. Travel and tourism is America¹s third largest retail sales industry with $582 billion total expenditures and $93 billion tax revenue for local, state and federal governments.*
The North Georgia mountains attract many visitors, and the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center and the Regional Welcome Center on I-985 are usually a first stop for area visitors. Over 20,000 visitors came to the Welcome Center on E.E. Butler Parkway or made telephone inquiries in 2000. Many foreign visitors come to the area because of the large number of international companies located in Hall County. A total of 52,210 visitors and telephone inquiries were addressed by the Northeast Regional Welcome Center on I-985 and represented visitors from 67 countries.
For more details on area tourism, contact Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Information Specialist Audrey White, 770-532-6206 or the Gainesville-Hall County Convention and Visitors Bureau, 770-536-5209.
*U.S. Source: Travel Industry Association of America
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