Lake Lanier Technology Alliance – Membership and Benefits

What is gained by attending Lake Lanier Technology Alliance meetings?

Michael Proffitt of Advanced Compliance Solutions (ACS) says, “As a fairly new member of the Lake Lanier Technology Alliance (LLTA), I found a recent meeting about security for IT systems extremely informative and a real eye-opener to what is out there. At the same time my company, Advanced Compliance Solutions, was able to invite the LLTA membership to our facility in Buford. I am really enthusiastic about the potential LLTA has for this area. As a new organization focused on technology in this geographic economy, LLTA is having a positive effect on the growth of this region – clean growth that brings intellect to the area.”

The Lake Lanier Technology Alliance is a perfect means to contribute and gain greater exposure for technology related businesses. How does a company participate? By the following:

€ Become an active member of the Lake Lanier Technology Alliance

€ Volunteer and network on one of the following subcommittees: Business Development, Resource, Image, and Membership

€ Attend monthly LLTA meetings

€ Host an LLTA event at your business

The Lake Lanier Technology Alliance usually holds meetings the first Thursday of every month (subject to change) as members gather to network and experience presentations on technology related topics. Previous presentations were on topics Wireless Solutions, SarbOx Compliance and Technology Job Trends.

The diverse LLTA membership includes professionals of all types of talent ranging from medical IT staff to college administrators, private and public sector programmers, engineers, and software developers. Membership is open to anyone interested in promoting the technology community in the Lake Lanier area.

For more information on the Lake Lanier Technology Alliance or the upcoming meeting on Monday, February 16, contact Shelley Davis at or 770-532-6206.

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