Great Opportunity for Job Seekers AND Employers
The Greater Hall Chamber’s Job Fair on Wednesday, March 21, 10 am-2pm, is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC with NO ENTRY FEE!
Employers will meet hundreds of job candidates face-to-face during a short period of time. Job Seekers will spend coveted face-time with dozens of hiring managers.
This community event is a collaboration of the Greater Hall Chamber, Lanier Technical College, Georgia Department of Labor and Gainesville Area Employer Committee and features 70+ employer exhibitors. Complete job applications on site while making great business contacts and networking with companies that are hiring.
Presented by Express Employment Professionals. Sponsored by King’s Hawaiian (Gold), Spherion (Silver), McDonald’s (Meal). Inkind sponsors: Highland Mountain Beverage, McGarity’s Business Products, Milton Martin Honda, Panera Bread and Signs by tomorrow.
Details: Amanda Lewis, Project Manager, Economic Development, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com. Event Details and Registration