HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast on OCT 9

The HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast is Wednesday, October 9 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. Members of the Hall County Think About It Coalition will speak about the prescription drug abuse epidemic. The Kickoff Breakfast and HealthSmart Wellness Expo are part of the Chamber’s VISION 2030 initiative.

A program of the Medical Association of Georgia Foundation, the Think About It initiative focuses on implementing a statewide drug monitoring system, encouraging safe drug disposal, and educating the public and professionals about the dangers of and prevention of prescription drug abuse.

The campaign is spearheaded by P. Tennent Slack, MD, Northeast Georgia Physicians Group Interventional Pain Medicine; Dallas Gay, MAG Foundation volunteer; and Jack Chapman, MD, Gainesville Eye Associates and Past President of MAG.

The Chamber’s Most Fit Company Awards will be presented at the event that includes a catered “HealthSmart” Buffet Breakfast, great networking and doorprizes. The HealthSmart Breakfast is sponsored by AEON Clinical Laboratories.

Cost is $10 Chamber members; $15 non-members. For HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast Reservations, contact Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

Related Information Think About It