HALLmark 2010-2015: The Next Generation

The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce announced today that investments in its aggressive, five-year economic development plan for Gainesville-Hall County – HALLmark… The Next Generation 2010-2015 – have surpassed the initiative’s $2.1 million goal. To date, 146 investors including businesses and industries across the community, have invested $2,225,890 in the program to ensure the economic viability of our region. Another 20 companies are expected to invest in the initiative in 2011. HALLmark chairs Paul Chambers, AT&T; Mimi Collins, The Longstreet Clinic; and, David Lee, Jackson EMC, announced the program’s success at a breakfast celebration for investors at the Gainesville Civic Center. Motivational speaker and business leader John Addison, CEO of Primerica, gave the keynote address.

“HALLmark is the vehicle bringing together representatives from business, government, education, and the business community to capitalize on the plentiful resources of the Gainesville-Hall county area with the infusion of new ideas, energy and resources,” said Kit Dunlap, President & CEO of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. “The focus of the 2010-2015 HALLmark is to build on the solid foundation complimenting the foresight of Gainesville-Hall County’s leadership over 15 years ago when the HALLmark initiative was born. This new, five-year effort will lead the way in retaining the quality jobs we currently have, while attracting new investment and high paying jobs in the life science, healthcare, technology and bio-tech sectors.”

The benefits of HALLmark are many, including high quality jobs; a stable and growing tax base; the protection of existing investments that have been made by businesses and homeowners; and, an unparalleled quality of life. HALLmark five year program goals seek 1,700 new jobs with $250 million in capital investment; $60 million in new annual payroll and the placement of Gainesville MSA’s unemployment rate below that of the state and nation. The initiative’s plan includes focus on the following:

Enhance the VISION 2030 Big Ideas for community development and quality of life in the next 20 years.

Economic Development
Create jobs. Recruit new businesses that require a highly skilled workforce. Serve as a catalyst to increase business retention and expansion activities with existing companies.

Retail & Small Business Development
Attract and promote the retail development and locally-owned small businesses.

Education & Workforce Development
Build a workforce necessary for our community to fully participate in today’s global economy. Provide leadership in the establishment of alliance programs and networks to ensure an increased graduation rate and an educated, well-trained workforce.

Community & Governmental Affairs
Promote positive interaction between local, state and federal government and our local business community. Focus on healthcare initiatives and community wellness programs. Address water issues in Gainesville-Hall County and the State of Georgia.

For more information on HALLmark, contact Kit Dunlap at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, 770-532-6206. GreaterHallChamber.com

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