Hall Celebrates Agriculture Day

Hall County celebrated the past and future of agriculture during the annual Agriculture Day celebration in March. Hall’s agriculture community recognized several longtime farm leaders and honored students for their writing and art achievements.

The events were coordinated by the Greater Hall Chamber Agribusiness Committee chaired by Dr. Dave Wicker, Fieldale Farms Corporation, the Hall County Farm Bureau and the Hall County Extension Service.

The 2002 Agribusiness Hall of Fame recipients collectively represent years of farming and agribusiness experience. Former County Agent Gene Anderson, Jimmy Echols of Jaemor Farms and Stewart Oliver were the award recipients and have meant much to Hall County’s agricultural community.

Sam Chapman – Friend of Agriculture.

Steve and Holly Crumley of Double C Dairy – Farmers of the Year.

Outstanding Agribusiness Award – AgGeorgia Farm Credit, ACA.

Student Art Winners included Cory Beck (1st), Martin Elementary; David Patterson (2nd), Maranatha Christian Academy; Nikita Lee (3rd), Mt. Vernon Elementary.

Student Essay Winners (Grades 4-8) were: Carolyn Page (1st), North Hall Middle ; Joe Kennedy (2nd), North Hall Middle; Cliff McIntire (3rd), North Hall Middle.

Khalil Khlifi of West Hall High received first place in the Essay Competition in the high school category.