We, Americans, live in a free society with the right and the privilege to vote and select our government officials! So many countries in the world don’t have this choice… to be free… to voice an opinion… to choose our elected leaders. Let’s all take part in our community, state and nation, and go to THE POLLS AND VOTE!
Hall County has many challenges in the future. We, as voters, need to be educated about the issues and about the candidates running for elected positions. Read the newspapers, listen to the radio, attend public forums, and meet or call candidates to ask questions. Let’s get educated before we go to the polls.
Traditionally, the primaries held in non-presidential years, have low voter turnout. It is predicted that only approximately 30% will vote in this August 20th primary election. Some of the positions will actually be decided on this August 20th date. We need to do better and increase voter turnout. Our individual votes do count. It doesn’t take but a few minutes from your day to GO CAST YOUR VOTE!
There will be new procedures this year, so learn now before you get to the polls. There are new districts and new voting precincts. Every registered voter will receive, in the mail, information about the new districts and where your voting precinct is located. Make sure this information is correct, and if you have questions, call the Hall County Registrar’s Office before voting day.
New “touch screen” voting machines will be at all polling places in Hall County. There are demonstrations now being shown at different locations in Hall County. Go try the new machines, it is easy! There will be sample demonstrations machines at each polling place to try out before you actually cast your vote.
Other helpful tips: 1) Get a sample ballot from The Times when it is published or go to the Hall County Registrar’s office and get one. Mark your ballot ahead of time and take it with you to your polls. 2) Vote absentee if you are going to be out-of-town or cannot go to the polls on voting day. The Registrar’s Office issues absentee ballots, and voting absentee is easy. 3) Take identification to the polls (driver’s license), as you will be asked to present one. 4) Attend our Political Forums on August 13 and 15 at Gainesville College – No cost – listen to the candidates and meet them.
Be a Proud American… Go Vote!
August 20 – Primary Election
September 10 – Primary Runoff
November 5 – General Election
Hall County Registrar’s Office, 275 Dawsonville Highway (at Colonial Lakeshore Mall) in Gainesville. 770-531-6945.