More Savings, More Choices for Small Businesses through the Chamber Sponsored Healthy Business Alliance™
As part of the Greater Hall Chamber’s continuing effort to provide savings to member business owners, we have joined forces with Purchasing Alliance Solutions and their Healthy Business AllianceTM program for new savings on employee benefits products through A+ rated Companion Life Insurance Company.
If a Chamber business member moves their coverage to Companion Life, a special savings will be made on dental, group term life, and disability income protection at 5-10%, depending on group size, below what businesses who participate in the current chamber-sponsored program presently pay. Advantages of this program for participating Chamber members include:
• Savings over your existing plans with a special offering of 5-10%.
• Expanded protection through important policy features like accelerated benefits,
waiver of premium and conversion privileges on Group Term Life Insurance and
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
• Choice of three standard dental benefit plans and a wide range of customizable
options with the Dental by Design
• Competitive short and long term disability income coverage options
• Convenience of a single source for all specialty coverage with an A+ rated carrier
For details on this exciting new savings opportunity, contact a local Chamber-member insurance agent, call Michelle Wiley at the Greater Hall Chamber, 770-532-6206, or Purchasing Alliance Solutions at (800) 782-8254 or via email at
Purchasing Alliance Solutions was established in 1994 to serve Chambers of Commerce, their members, Agents and their clients. These Chamber-sponsored programs cover more than 5,000 businesses and 53,000 employees in 149 local communities throughout Georgia.