Chamber Transportation Forum on February 24
Open to the Public
Gainesville, GA – February 12, 2009: The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce will host the Annual GDOT Transportation Forum on Tuesday, February 24 at Gainesville State College, Continuing Education Building, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sponsored by Jordan, Jones and Goulding, the forum is open to the public and helps create discussion with Chamber members, business and community leaders, and transportation professionals to provide a means to stay informed about important transportation issues and projects.
Guest speaker for the February 24 forum is Georgia Department of Transportation District Engineer Russell McMurry. McMurry is responsible for construction, maintenance and overall operation of the 2,300 centerline miles of Interstates and State Routes in Northeast Georgia’s 21-county district. He manages 575 employees and an annual budget of over $31 million. Steve Farrow, GDOT 9th District Board Member, will also be attending the event.
“Transportation is critical for Hall County,” said Greater Hall Chamber President/CEO Kit Dunlap. “This GDOT Forum will be most informative to all citizens, particularly with transportation being a focus in the State Legislature. This event has become one of the Chamber’s most popular and most attended events.”
Reservations required. Cost to attend the forum is $15 for Chamber Members, $20 for guests and includes lunch. Make your reservations to attend the Annual Transportation Forum by calling Brittany Holtzclaw at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, 770-532-6206. Email: Online reservations: