Chamber Makes Pledge to Governor’s “I’m In” Campaign

Georgia Safety Promise to Follow COVID-19 Guidelines for Business

The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce announced today they are joining fellow businesses across the state in taking the Georgia Safety Promise. This safety campaign is a simple agreement, made by both businesses and the public, to take basic steps to protect each other. The Chamber makes the Georgia Safety Promise as we help keep Georgia and our community safe, working, and open for business.

By committing to the Georgia Safety Promise, Georgia businesses – and consumers – commit to following safety guidelines from the Governor’s office and the Georgia Department of Public Health for operating during COVID-19, including promoting social distancing, wearing a face covering, cleaning surfaces, and washing and sanitizing hands.

“We took the Georgia Safety Promise to show our commitment to creating a safe environment for employees, businesses and Chamber members,” said Kit Dunlap, president & CEO of the of the Greater Hall Chamber.  “We’re IN, as we reopen safely so we can stay open for business in Georgia.”

The program is a special designation given to participating Georgia businesses who make the promise. Signage, printable graphics and social media sample posts are part of a toolkit available for businesses to show patrons that they have joined the Georgia Safety Promise.  LINK HERE for the Georgia Safety Promise Toolkit, and join the “I’m In” campaign.

The Georgia Safety Promise public-private partnership program is led by the Office of the Governor and includes the Georgia Department of Economic Development, Georgia Department of Public Health, Georgia Bankers Association, Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association, Georgia Retail Association, Georgia Restaurant Association, and Georgia NFIB.

To join the pledge and learn more about the Georgia Safety Promise, visit