A United Voice for Business
By Jimmy Adams, Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Vice President, Adams Transfer & Storage Co., Inc.
The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce is the grassroots voice of business in Gainesville-Hall County and represents a diverse membership of more than 2,600. Your Chamber constantly works to protect our pro-business environment. Now in its 99th year, the Greater Hall Chamber continues to bring issues of its membership into the legislative process through its Government Affairs Division and the implementation of strong economic development with inner-governmental partnerships between the City of Gainesville, Hall County, the City of Oakwood and the City of Flowery Branch.
The Annual Gainesville-Hall County Eggs & Issues Breakfast will focus on the beginning of the Legislative Session for the Georgia General Assembly. The Eggs & Issues Breakfast is Thursday, December 14 at the Gainesville Civic Center and will bring our area’s top business and political leaders together to examine the important issues facing the state legislature as the General Session opens.
Our own Casey Cagle, Lt. Governor Elect, will participate as well as State Senator-Elect Lee Hawkins and our State Representatives: Representatives James Mills, Carl Rogers, Tommy Benton and Representative-Elect Doug Collins. I encourage you to attend, as this is but one of the beneficial programs hosted by your Chamber and its Government Affairs Division. Jackson EMC has sponsored this event for a number of years and we thank them for their ongoing support of this and many other Chamber programs.
The value of good governmental relationships
I am pleased to recognize our recently elected officials with our own Casey Cagle taking the second highest position in the State of Georgia as Lt. Governor. The diverse, highly qualified group recently elected will represent us well. I feel confident that with the support of these officials, your Chamber will continue to promote a positive business climate and quality of life.
Gone are the days of bickering and counter-productive governmental relations. The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce has cultured a cohesive group of business leadership, community volunteers and elected officials that are working as a team to better our community. As a liaison between different government agencies, your Chamber has had the capacity to bring us all together in a united voice for business.
Dixie Truelove, Truelove Dairy, is Vice Chairman of Governmental Affairs and assisted in coordinating our recent political forums and the upcoming Eggs & Issues Breakfast. She also oversees the Chamber’s Issues Committee. Under Dixie’s leadership, our Governmental Division programs coupled with your membership investment are providing infinite benefits – making Gainesville-Hall County an exceptional place to live and work.